`Sugar Coated Delusions`

January 11, 2021

The mouse – Credits to Bitz Erick

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 1:24 pm

A “mouse” was put at the top of a jar filled with grains. He was too happy to find so much food around him. Now he doesn’t need to run around searching for food and can happily lead his life. As he enjoyed the grains, in a few days’ time, he reached the bottom of the jar. Now he is trapped and he cannot come out of it. He has to solely depend upon someone to put grains in the same jar for him to survive. He may even not get the grain of his choice and he cannot choose either.

Here are FOUR lessons to learn from this:

1) Short term pleasures can lead to long-term traps.

2) If things are coming easy and you are getting comfortable, you are getting trapped into survival mode.

3) When you are not using your skills, you will lose more than your skills. You lose your CHOICES.

4) The right Action has to be taken at the right time, or else you will lose whatever you have.

Nothing comes easily in life and if it comes easily, maybe it is not worth it.

October 30, 2020

Build me up buttercup

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 9:50 pm

As I get older and the world and people becomes more difficult to tolerate, I seek out simple snippets of joy.

This is one of them.

The art of not giving a damn…

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 7:00 pm

My mom had a lot of problems. She did not sleep and she felt exhausted. She was irritable, grumpy, and bitter. She was always sick, until one day, suddenly, she changed.

The situation was the same, but she was different.

One day my dad said to her:

  • I’ve been looking for a job for three months and I haven’t found anything, I’m going to have a few beers with friends.

My mom replied:

  • It’s okay.

My brother said to her:

  • Mom, I’m doing poorly in all subjects at the University …

My mom replied:

  • Okay, you will recover, and if you don’t, well, you repeat the semester, but you pay the tuition.

My sister said to her:

  • Mom, I hit the car.

My mom replied:

  • Okay daughter, take it to the workshop, find how to pay and while they fix it, get around by bus or subway.

Her daughter-in-law said to her:

  • Mother-in-law, I come to spend a few months with you.

My mom replied:

  • Okay, settle in the living room couch and look for some blankets in the closet.

All of us at my mom’s house gathered worried to see these reactions.

We suspected that she had gone to the doctor and that she was prescribe some pills of “I don’t give a damn about 1000 mg.”

She would probably also be ingesting an overdose.

We then proposed to do an “intervention” to my mother to remove her from any possible addiction she had towards some anti-tantrum medication.

But what was not the surprise, when we all gathered around her and my mom explained:

“It took me a long time to realize that each person is responsible for their life, it took me years to discover that my anguish, my mortification, my depression, my courage, my insomnia and my stress, did not solve their problems but aggravated mine.

I am not responsible for the actions of others, but I am responsible for the reactions I express to that.

Therefore, I came to the conclusion that my duty to myself is to remain calm and let each one solve what corresponds to them.

I have taken courses in yoga, meditation, miracles, human development, mental hygiene, vibration and neurolinguistic programming, and in all of them, I found a common denominator: finally they all lead to the same point.

And, it is that I can only interfere with myself, you have all the necessary resources to solve your own lives.

I can only give you my advice if you ask me and it depends on you to follow it or not.

So, from now on, I cease to be: the receptacle of your responsibilities, the sack of your guilt, the laundress of your remorse, the advocate of your faults, the wall of your lamentations, the depositary of your duties, who should solve your problems or spare a tire every time to fulfill your responsibilities.
From now on, I declare all independent and self-sufficient adults.

Everyone at my mom’s house was speechless.

From that day on, the family began to function better, because everyone in the house knows exactly what it is that they need to do.


August 21, 2020

23 ways to say almost nothing (and still sound smart)

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 10:08 am

lifted from: https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-strategies/2016/12/23-ways-to-say-nothing-and-still-sound-smart.html

I knew/know people who have mastered this.. haha

We all watch TV or cable news. People are interviewed. They have nothing to say either by choice of lack of information.
They must say something, so they resort to being vague.
One day, these answers might be useful in your own life.

1. It is what it is
Also, what you see is what you get.
Sounds like: Judge this on its own merits. It’s not pretending to be something else.
Might mean: If you think this is going to get any better, it isn’t.

2. There has never been a better time to buy
Also,“not to be missed.”
Sounds like: The opportunity of a lifetime. There’s no point in waiting.
Might mean: Call to action. We want you to spend your money now.

3. We are prepared for every eventuality
Often used when entering uncharted territory.
Sounds like: We have a thoughtful, well-reasoned strategy for moving forward.
Might mean: We don’t know what’s going to happen, but we don’t want to tell you that.

4. We are competitively priced
Familiar words in comparison shopping situations.
Sounds like: We are trying to give you a good deal. We have your best interests in mind.
Might mean: We aren’t lowering our prices any more than we have to.

5. I’m not at liberty to say
Sounds better than “no comment” or “we don’t comment on ongoing investigations.”
Sounds like: Details must remain confidential. You understand why,.
Might mean: I’m not telling you anything. There’s no upside.

6. That was then, this is now
Replaces the “new paradigm” we used to talk about.
Sounds like: We must move with the times.
Might mean: The rules have changed. It’s not in your favor. There’s no going back.

7. It ain’t over
Sports fans often look to the next year after a disappointing season.
Sounds like: We may have lost this battle, but the fight isn’t over yet.
Might mean: I’m a sore loser who is in denial.

8. We have a big tent
Often used in politics when people are seeking unity.
Sounds like: We are an inclusive organization including many differing points of view, working towards a common goal.
Might mean: We need you behind us now. We’ll work out our differences later.

9. You can’t rule it out
No one can predict the future.
Sounds like: I acknowledge this is a possible outcome.
Might mean: Don’t pretend you can predict the outcome.

10. Things will get worse before they get better
A strategy to lower people’s expectations.
Sounds like: A well-reasoned analysis that good times will ultimately come.
Might mean: If things go bad, you were right. If things get better, no one will care you were wrong.

11. You can’t take it with you
Wealth is a mortal possession.
Sounds like: Be a good person and share your wealth during your lifetime.
Might mean: Stop being such a cheapskate.

12. Help get you there
Often associated with advice you have directly or indirectly aid to receive.
Sounds like: You are on my side.
Might mean: It’s not taking the responsibility of “I will get you there.” You will make progress towards your goal.

13. The clock is ticking
An obvious observation that time is always passing.
Sounds like: You should make a decision. Commit yourself. Take action.
Might mean: You are wasting time.

14. Enjoy the journey
Often used when the time horizon to completion is long.
Sounds like: This will be nicer than you imagined.
Might mean: Be quiet and stop complaining.

15. New normal
Alliterative phrase. Things aren’t what they were before.
Sounds like: The rules have changed. They aren’t going back.
Might mean: You lost. Get used to it.

16. Maybe it’s just me
My opinion is different from yours.
Sounds like: I disagree, but I may be wrong.
Might mean: I’m telling you politely that you are wrong.

17. A broken clock is right twice a day
Stating an obvious fact.
Sounds like: You are right on this point. I agree with you.
Might mean: I agree with this point while I am disagreeing with everything else.

18. Ride it out
Another version of “Things will get worse…”
Sounds like:“Keep calm and carry on.”
Might mean: Sit quietly and stop your complaining.

19. Let me see what I can do
A response often heard after a person explains a problem and requests help.
Sounds like: They are going to solve my problem.
Might mean: I’ve given hope, which satisfies them near -erm without actually committing myself to doing anything.

20. People are likely to be confused
Also, “demystify.”
Sounds like: We need to help people by simplifying the explanation.
Might mean: They won’t agree with us unless we do something.

21. Life goes on
This isn’t the only thing that’s happening.
Sounds like: We shouldn’t focus all our attention on this issue at the expense of others.
Might mean: Stop obsessing about this problem.

22. Expect volatility, fluctuation
Nothing stays the same. Also, “things change.”
Sounds like: They have a clear picture of the near-term results.
Might mean: I have no idea, but I know nothing stays the same.

23. Who can say?
Another “predicting the future” observation.
Sounds Like: No one is qualified to answer that question.
Might Mean: You aren’t getting an answer because I’m not committing myself.

People can sound smart without actually saying anything. One day you might need this skill!

June 15, 2020

Das Offene Meer Wallets

Filed under: Main — Tags: — melfabro @ 10:43 pm

I’ve wanted the Gundeck Wallet since 2015 when I first chanced upon it. I’m glad that I have finally pulled the trigger.

Great design and quality. I would probably order another one that’s wider (for topsider) or taller (gundeck) so it can fit at least a $50 Singapore bill.

Since there are more variations now I ordered the Gundeck quickdraw and Topsider quickdraw.

You can get them at: https://www.dasoffenemeerleather.com/

June 13, 2020

Panatang Makabayan/Patriotic Oath Philippines

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 6:01 pm

I actually prefer the old version that we recited every morning during our time/generation.

We should have kept the lines, that in my opinion defines us. For me, being Filipino does not only mean being a Filipino Citizen but its also a state of mind and outlook:

“Sisikapin kong maging isang tunay na Pilipino sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa.”

In English:

Sisikapin kong maging isang tunay na Pilipino sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa.

We should have kept the line:

Panatang Makabayan

Current version November 2001

Iniibig ko ang Pilipinas, aking Lupang Sinilangan
Tahanan ng aking lahi, kinukupkop ako at tinutulungan
Upang maging malakas, masipag, at marangal.
Dahil mahal ko ang Pilipinas,
Diringgin ko ang payo ng aking mga magulang.
Susundin ko ang tuntunin ng paaralan,
Tutuparin ko ang tungkulin ng mamamayang makabayan;
Naglilingkod, nag-aaral, at nagdarasal ng buong katapatan.
Iaalay ko ang aking buhay, pangarap at pagsisikap sa bansang Pilipinas

Original version

Iniibig ko ang Pilipinas
Ito ang aking lupang sinilangan
Ito ang tahanan ng aking lahi
Ako’y kanyang kinukupkop at tinutulungan
Upang maging malakas, maligaya at kapakipakinabang
Bilang ganti, diringgin ko ang payo ng aking mga magulang
Susundin ko ang mga tuntunin ng aking paaralan
Tutuparin ko ang mga tungkulin ng isang mamamayang makabayan at masunurin sa batas
Paglilingkuran ko ang aking bayan nang walang pag-iimbot at ng buong katapatan
Sisikapin kong maging isang tunay na Pilipino sa isip, sa salita, at sa gawa.

English translation of current version

I love the Philippines, the land of my birth,
The home of my people, it protects me and helps me
Become strong, hardworking and honorable.
Because I love the Philippines,
I will heed the counsel of my parents,
I will obey the rules of my school,
I will perform the duties of a patriotic citizen,
Serving, studying, and praying faithfully.
I offer my life, dreams, successes
To the Philippine nation.

English Translation of the original version

I love the Philippines.
It is the land of my birth;
It is the home of my people.
It protects me and helps me to be strong, happy and useful.
In return, I will heed the counsel of my parents;
I will obey the rules of my school;
I will perform the duties of a patriotic, law-abiding citizen;
I will serve my country unselfishly and faithfully
I will be a true Filipino in thought, in word, in deed.

March 17, 2020

Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Faraheedi: 4 types of Men

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 12:53 pm

There are four types of men:

(1) One who knows and knows he knows; he is learned, so follow him!

(2) One who knows and knows not that he knows; he is asleep, so wake him!

(3) One who knows not and knows he knows not; he seeks to learn, so teach him!

(4) One who knows not and knows not that he knows not; he is a fool, so shun him

January 31, 2020

COMMENT: The Agile methodology makes no sense in banking

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 10:09 am

from: https://news.efinancialcareers.com/uk-en/3001815/agile-in-banking

Found this interesting as I share the same thought. You can head on to the original article or read below:

I’ve spent two decades working in banks, delivering successful technology projects, and the time’s come to raise my hand and say what desperately needs to be said: the Agile methodology and banks do not mix.

It’s not a popular opinion, especially with the new generation of technology professionals, but it’s something that needs to be confronted. Most banks are pretending to jump onto the Agile bandwagon and it’s a big mistake. Agile specialists who join banks are only going to be disappointed.

At the root of the issue is the fact that banks are highly-regulated and hierarchical organisations, where end users (typically traders) have no real interest in participating in daily meetings to discuss the progress of a technology project.
This doesn’t fit with the way Agile works. Agile is a set of principles that allow you to move forward without having requirements nailed down. Daily meetings between the scrum masters, developers and the product owner allow the product to develop through a process of iteration. In theory, this leads to a better product – the example usually given is that you start out with a Flintstones car and end up with a Ferrari.

In banking though, the ‘product owners’ in the front office usually have one thing to say when you ask them to participate in daily Agile meetings, and it ends in “off.” This means that the meetings are typically attended only by a proxy, who won’t really be using the product.

Agile can be bad for developers too. When you’re compelled to stand in a meeting every day and to write a post-it note declaring what you’ve completed, you can be pushed into rushing things or creating sloppy work simply for the sake of having something to say. This is especially the case in banking, where people are often fearful for their jobs and don’t want to appear to be under-performers (even if they’re not).

More importantly, though, banks are working in a highly regulated environment. When you’re implementing a project in a bank, you need continuous checks and documentation. You need methodology documents, logs of meetings, and a record of any remedial action taken when problems arose. Agile doesn’t necessarily provide for all this.

What does? Well, try the waterfall methodology of Prince2. Here, you have terms of reference explaining what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. You have an implentation plan for the people building it. And – most importantly – you have your RAID (risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies) checklist which is applied at every stage.

I’m not saying that Agile doesn’t work, just that it doesn’t work in banking. Agile is a great methodology if you’re a group of developers producing code from the bottom-up and developing flexible products on a rolling basis at somewhere like Amazon. But when you’re in a large, very hierarchical organisation with remote end-users and a zealous regulator, it simply can’t work as intended.

Needless to say, banks are realizing this and most use some kind of hybrid between Agile and the more ‘top down’ waterfall methodology. This makes sense, but can be a shock to Agile purists who join from other industries, particularly if they believed banks’ hype about embracing a new way of working. Banks aren’t Agile and they never can be; it’s best that you know this from the outset.

December 19, 2019

Fuji X100* Kodakchrome simulation Settings

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 2:36 pm

from: https://fujixweekly.com/2017/10/21/my-fujifilm-x100f-vintage-kodachrome-film-simulation-recipe/

Classic Chrome
Dynamic Range: DR200
Highlight: +4
Shadow: -2
Color: +4
Sharpening: +1
Noise Reduction: -3
Grain: Strong
White Balance: Auto, +2 Red, -4 Blue
ISO: Auto up to ISO 6400
Exposure Compensation: -1/3 to -1 (typically)

December 18, 2019

square root of three by David Feinberg

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 1:32 pm

square root of three by David Feinberg
(from harold and kumar movie)

I’m sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three

The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine

For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic

I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality

When hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a three

As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer

We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands

Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed

That’s Not My Job

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 1:32 pm

That’s Not My Job
by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown

This’s a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that
Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody
thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn’t
do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody
have done.

The Big Difference
by: Bill Greer, Chicken Soup for the Veteran’s Soul

The Boss drives his men, The Leader inspires them..
The Boss depends on authority, The Leader depends on goodwill..
The Boss evokes fear, The Leader radiates love..
The Boss says “I”, The Leader says “We”..
The Boss shows who is wrong, The Leader shows what is wrong..
The Boss knows how it is done, The Leader knows how to do it..
The Boss demands respect, The Leader commands respect..

Take a Stand
by: Denis Waitley, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work

Jackie Robinson made history when he became the first black baseball
player to break into the major leagues by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Branch Rickey, owner of the Dodgers at that time, told Robinson, “It’ll
be tough. You’re going to take abuse you never dreamed of. But if you’re
willing to try, I’ll back you all the way.”

And Rickey was right. Jackie was abused verbally (not to mention
physically by runners coming into second base). Racial slurs from the
crowd and members of his own team, as well as from opponents, were
standard fare.

One day, Robinson was having it particularly tough. He had booted two
ground balls, and the boos were cascading over the diamond. In full view
of thousands of spectators, Pee Wee Reese, the team captain and Dodger
shortstop, walked over and put his arm around Jackie right in the middle
of the game.

“That may have saved my career,” Robinson reflected later. “Pee Wee made
me feel that I Belonged.”

Be sure that the employees on your team feel that they belong.

Jessie’s Glove
by: Rick Phillips, Heart At Work

I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K
Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we
address in our seminars is the retention of quality employees – a real
challenge to managers when you consider the pay scale in the service
industry. During these discussions, I ask the participants,

“What has caused you to stay long enough to become a manager?” Some time
back a new manager took the question and slowly, with her voice almost
breaking, said, “It was a $19 baseball glove.”

Cynthia told the group that she originally took a Circle K clerk job as
an interim position while she looked for something better. On her second
or third day behind the counter, she received a phone call from her
nine-year old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for Little League.
She explained that as a single mother, money was very tight, and her
first check would have to go for paying bills. Perhaps she could buy his
baseball glove with her second or third check.

When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the store
manager, asked her to come to the small room in back of the store that
served as an office. Cynthia wondered if she had done something wrong or
left some part of her job incomplete from the day before. She was
concerned and confused.

Patricia handed her a box. “I overheard you talking to your son
yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is hard to explain things to
kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he may not understand
how important he is, even though you have to pay bills before you can
buy gloves. You know we can’t pay good people like you as much as we
would like to; but we do care, and I want you to know you are important
to us.”

The thoughtfulness, empathy and love of this convenience store manager
demonstrates vividly that people remember more how much an employer
cares than how much the employer pays. An important lesson for the price
of a Little League baseball glove.

Lesson from a Rainy Day
by: Grace, Source Unknown

August 26, 1999 is a day that many New Yorkers would probably like to
forget. However, this New Yorker will always remember that day because
that is the day that I learned what a powerful gift appreciation can
truly be.

On August 26, 1999, New York City experienced a torrential downpour. The
relentless rain caused the streets to flood. New York City’s subway
system came to a screeching halt as the subway stations were inundated
with water. Unfortunately, this happened during the morning rush hour.

Many people who were going to work were stranded and forced to go home.
Some battled with fellow New Yorkers to hail a cab or to get on a bus.
Still others braved the storm, walking miles to get to work.

I happened to be one of people on her way to work that morning. I went
from subway line to subway line only to find that most service had
stopped. After running around like crazy and making my way through
crowds of people, I finally found a subway line that was operating.
Unfortunately, there were so many people waiting to board the subway
that I could not even get down the stairs to the platform. Undaunted and
determined to get to work, I decided to take the train uptown several
stops and then switch back to the downtown train. It was a hassle, but
it paid off. However, the train got more packed at each stop. People
pushed and shoved. I was constantly hit with elbows and bags. Finally,
after what seemed like an eternity, the train reached my stop.

But the journey was not over yet. I would still have to walk several
blocks to get to my office. The rain had intensified, and no umbrella
was enough to withstand the forces of Mother Nature. When I finally got
to work, I was completely soaked and left a puddle of water everywhere I
sat. I was also exhausted and discouraged from my commute.

My coworkers and I spent most of the day drying off. When 5:00 rolled
around, I was ready to go home. I was about to log off my computer when
I received an email from Garth, my Deputy Director. I opened the email
and found the following message:

I would like to thank all those associates who made the effort and
eventually reported to work. It is always reassuring, at times like
these, when employees so clearly demonstrate their dedication to their
jobs. Thank you.

As you can see, Garth’s email was short, but I learned more from that
brief message than I ever did from a textbook. The email taught me that
a few words of appreciation can make a big difference. The rainstorm and
the transit troubles had made me miserable and weary. But Garth’s words
immediately invigorated me and put a smile back on my face.

Garth’s actions also made me realize that words of appreciation not only
make you feel good but it also motivates and inspires you. After reading
his email, I felt that coming to work that day was an accomplishment
that I should be proud of. Suddenly getting drenched and the extremely
long commute did not seem so bad. As a matter of fact, his email made
the whole subway ordeal all worthwhile.

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our lives that we forget the magical
power of appreciation. Garth had been caught in the rain like the rest
of us. He had to tend to his responsibilities. He also had to cope with
the numerous absences in the five areas that he manages. And he had to
take on his boss’ responsibilities, as she was unable to get to work.
Yet, he still found time to send an email thanking his employees for
their dedication and the extra effort they had made to get to work.
Garth taught me that I should never be too busy to show people my
appreciation and to acknowledge the positive things they do. This was
the most valuable lesson that anyone could ever give me. And for that, I
will always be grateful to Garth.

August 26, 1999 may have been one of the darkest days in New York City
history, but it was one of the brightest days in my life thanks to

True Leader, A
by: Martin L. Johnson, Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work

A few years ago, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, where I was employed,
purchased Norand Corporation. Pioneer’s sales representatives in the
field used Norand hand-held terminals to upload daily sales information
and download new price and sales incentive information. Pioneer bought
so many of these hand-held terminals, the economics made the purchase of
Norand look interesting. Owning Norand also allowed Pioneer to explore
high-technology markets outside agriculture.

But after a few years, the emerging laptop PC technology made the
hand-held units obsolete. Pioneer sold Norand at a loss. Pioneer always
took a given percent of the annual profits to divide equally among all
employees, so our profit-sharing checks were lower than if Pioneer had
not purchased Norand. Additionally, my Pioneer stock was lower than it
had been before the purchase of Norand. I was not pleased.

The CEO of Pioneer, Tom Urban, made annual formal visits to each of the
Pioneer divisions to talk about the state of the business and to listen
to employees’ concerns. When he walked into the meeting room for his
first visit after the sale of Norand, he acknowledged the group, removed
his jacket and neatly folded it across the back of the chair. He
loosened his tie, undid his collar and rolled up his sleeves. The next
thing he said was the last thing I ever expected to hear a CEO say.

He said, “I made a mistake buying Norand and I am sorry. I am sorry your
profit-sharing was lower because of the purchase, and I am sorry your
stock was hurt by the purchase. I will continue to take risks, but I am
a bit smarter now, and I will work harder for you.” The room was quiet
for a moment before he asked for questions.

A great man and leader stood before us that day. As I sat listening to
him, I knew I could trust him, and that he deserved every bit of loyalty
I could give to him and to Pioneer. I also knew I could take risks in my
own job.

In the brief moment of silence before the questions started, I recall
thinking that I would follow him into any battle.

You’ll Get Exactly What You Expect
by: Bruce D. Zimmerman, Source Unknown

I remember a young lady who went to work for a company immediately after
graduating from college. She seemed extremely talented but unbelievably

She was assigned to a division-level marketing department where she
assisted in the production of advertising and collateral material. Her
supervisor associated her shyness with a lack of technical and
conceptual skills. As a result, she was never included in brainstorming
or planning sessions. The supervisor thought she was best suited to
simple graphics layout and paste-up.

Frustrated that her talents were squandered on simple tasks, she applied
to the corporate marketing department. The vice-president reviewed her
resume and transferred her without interviewing her at length. His
concept of the young lady was positive and assigned her to a series of
important, key projects. She performed magnificently.

A few months later, the original supervisor was in the vice-president’s
office admiring the new corporate ad campaign. The project consisted of
television and radio commercials, full-page ads for national
publications and complete press kits. The supervisor asked, “What kind
of a Madison Avenue rain-maker worked this kind of magic?” The VP
replied, “This was all completed by that young lady you sent me. That
was the best move I ever made!”

This is but one example of the dozens of cases I can document where
individuals were literally hobbled by low or incorrect expectations. In
many instances, the mind set of a co-worker or supervisor can restrict
an employee’s ability to become an excellent performer.

This cause-and-effect model applies to all aspects of our lives. The
neighbor’s young son asked if he could mow my yard. I told him I would
talk to his dad first. The father said, “I don’t think he can handle a
mower. I never let him near mine. Go ahead if you like.” I assured him I
would watch his son closely and be certain he could handle the equipment

The boy not only knew how to handle the mower, but did such a good job,
I asked him to help each week. His dad was amazed. “I never would have
guessed,” he said. “You should have given him a chance,” I suggested.

Fakers in IT…

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 12:51 pm

Thanks Reddit

These are the fakers I hate the most

For the camouflaged faker types, the manager will have a hard time noticing their BS specially if the faker is of the opposite gender.

These type end up abusing certain group “privileges” and highly manipulative (READ: ends up having the competent co-workers do the work in the disguise that they don’t know/ not aware of it. which:

(a.) they probably should know given the “work experience” they have for the job and if they have really been working all the year noted in their inflated CV

and (b.) if they have really been doing technical working at all.)

These people have no shame and play life as if they are victims.

BDM Witch Buid 1

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 12:28 pm

from: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/5s0tdi/returned_to_bdo_and_looking_for_a_witch_build/

Pre-56, lightning storm, lightning, chain lightning, residual lightning, and blizzard+ultimate are the only damage skills you need to max.
At some point, chain lightning won’t really do all that much damage so I just left it at the first level from 52-56. I kept lightning at max though because it’s your 100% spirit skill. Don’t waste your skill points on fireball and fb explosion. While it’s great cc, it knocks everything away from you and could knock some mobs away from your aoe range.

For utility pre-56, max magic lighthouse first. I cannot tell you how convenient the skill is, especially at max level since it’ll have a 100% uptime. Next, healing lighthouse, then healing aura. The spellbound heart is good, but I generally didn’t need it.

I never really used speed spell as I got too lazy to use it when it was up. Mana absorption can stay at level 1. While i used it on cooldown, I didn’t really need it to be more than it already was at level 1.

For post awakening, you’re only maxing your utility skills. At 56, black spirit will give you a skill reset item. After you reset your skills, make sure to max these at 56: Healing lighthouse, healing aura, speed spell, spellbound heart, sage’s memory, and magic lighthouse(at some point, I think at 58/59/60, you’ll have 100% uptime on toxic flood which is the awakening version of magic lighthouse so you won’t need it anymore. I still use magic lighthouse post-56). You don’t need mana absorption at 56 because mana isn’t a problem when you get your awakening.

November 27, 2019

Hidden Gems From Ancient Philosophers

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 7:46 am

• The people you interact with the most influence your behavior. Consciously consider whom you allow into your life, and choose to spend more time with those that hold you accountable and encourage you to move forward.
• Those who don’t prepare for the unexpected pay a high price when tackling important issues and are more likely to give up. Things can go wrong, anticipate worst-case scenarios to mitigate or avoid it.
• Acting based on habit can lead to mistakes whenever the situations at hand mismatch the ones that led to the creation of the habit.
• Be as invested in building yourself as you are in building your professional life. Study yourself, have ideas, develop them and the relationships that further them.
• Ignore the breaking news and focus on what’s in front of you.
• Take pride in your work, but know that it is not all there is. Don’t get so wrapped up in your work that you think you’re immune from the reality of aging and life.

September 16, 2019

Meantime Girl

Filed under: Main — rhycel @ 5:37 pm

She’s the one you call when you’re bored because
she makes you laugh… she’s the one you talk to
when you’re feeling down because she’s willing
to lend an ear and be a friend… She’s not the
one you call when you need a date to your
company’s Christmas party, or to go dancing with
on a Saturday night… She’s the one you spend
time with between girlfriends, before you
find “The One.” You know, the one who you keep
around in the meantime.She’s not one of the
guys, not a tomboy, but you don’t look at her
as “real woman” either. She’s not *****y enough,
moody enough, or sexy enough to be seen in that
light. She’s too laid-back, too easily amused by
the same things your male buddies are amused by.
She’s too understanding… too comfortable — she
doesn’t make you feel nervous or excited the way
a “real woman” does. But she’s cool, and nice,
and funny, and attractive enough that when
you’re lonely or horny and need intimate female
companionship, she’ll do just fine…You don’t
have to wine and dine her because she knows the
real you already, and you don’t have any facades
to keep up, no pretenses to preserve. You’re not
trying to get anything of substance out of her.
She’s not easy, but you know that she cares
about you, and is attracted to you, and that
she’ll give you the intimacy you need. And you
know you don’t have to explain yourself or the
situation… that she’ll be able to cope with the
fact that this isn’t the beginning of a
relationship or that there’s any possibility
that you have any real romantic feelings for
her. It won’t bother her that you’ll get up in
the morning, put on your pants, say goodbye, and
go on a date with the woman you’ve been mooning
over for weeks who finally agreed to go out with
you. She’ll settle for a goodbye hug and a
promise to call her and tell her how the date
went. She’s just so cool… why can’t all women be
like that?!..But deep down, if you really think
about it (which you probably don’t because to
you, the situation between the two of you isn’t
important enough to merit any real thought), you
know that it’s really not fair. You know that
although she would never say it, it hurts her to
know that despite all her good points and all
the fun you two have, you don’t think she’s good
enough to spend any real time with.Sure, it’s
mostly her fault, because she doesn’t have to
give in to your needs — she could play the
hard-to-get-***** like the rest of them do, if
she really wanted to. But you and she both know
that she probably couldn’t pull it off. Maybe
she’s too short, or a little overweight, or has
a big birthmark on her forehead, or works at
Taco Bell, or just really not that type.
Whatever the reason somehow. Life has given her a
lot of really great qualities but has left out
ones that men want (or think they want) in a
woman. So she remains forever the funny friend…
the steadfast companion… the secret lover… and
you go on searching for your goddess who will
somehow be everything you ever wanted in a
woman.You’ll joke to her that she should be the
best man at your wedding, and she’ll laugh and
make a joke about a smelly rental tux.She
doesn’t captivate you with her beauty or open
doors with her smile. Mainly she blends in with
the crowd. She’s safe. She doesn’t want to be
the center of attention and turn the heads of
everyone in the room. But she wants to turn
someone’s head. She wants to be special to
someone too. We all do.She has feelings. She has
a heart. In fact, she probably has a bigger and
better heart than any woman you’ve ever known
because she’s had a front row seat to “The Mess
That Is Your Life”, and she likes you anyway.
She obviously sees something worthwhile and
redeeming in you because although you’ve given
her nothing, absolutely no reason to still be
around, she is…

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